mattapan house of pizza
1631 Blue Hill Ave
Mattapan, MA 02126
Call 617-298-5810 to ask about
specials on group deliveries! Offering a wide variety of menu items, Mattapan House of Pizza caters to diverse tastes and preferences. From the much-loved meat lovers pizza and Italian subs to satisfyingly large salads and crispy french fries, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Customers frequently praise the quick delivery and commend the pizzeria for its exceptional food quality.

Mattapan, MA 02126
Call 617-298-5810 to ask about
specials on group deliveries! Offering a wide variety of menu items, Mattapan House of Pizza caters to diverse tastes and preferences. From the much-loved meat lovers pizza and Italian subs to satisfyingly large salads and crispy french fries, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Customers frequently praise the quick delivery and commend the pizzeria for its exceptional food quality.